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Based on Manuel (2007), arrangement and ease of behavior is a key factor. We suggest recycle bins should be placed in sufficient numbers, and in convenient locations, with signs clearly indicating their purpose. Moon (2010) also emphasizes the importance of plentiful recycling bins that can be easily seen. Simply making recycling an easier and more noticeable choice should increase its frequency.​ Also, by implementing composting bins, as suggested in Just (2007), in the vicinity of these other bins, will allow that much more of a reduction in waste.



Manuel's (2007) ​study shows that a survey could be useful in identifying reasons and motivations behind people's actions, which could help shape plans for interventions.



Keller (1991) shows receiving feedback on recycling increases motivation to continue the behavior. A board that provides data on the amount of recyclables that were collected could provide feedback on a wide scale, though some system to measure recycled waste would need to be implemented as well.


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